Friday, June 19, 2020

Artegration, NewComer Children After School Program

Since the Pandemic started, our program didn't stop, conversely it grew bigger and got extended!  We turned this challenging time into an advantage to support more newcomer families and children around the GTA via Zoom, WhatsApp, Email, and many more platforms since the location and the traveling is not an issue anymore! Children are now joining from different cities and locations and getting together on one platform.
Through our weekly sessions Newcomer Children have the chance to improve their skills and talents, talk about their feelings, play fun activities, practice wellness, physical activities, and get homework help.
Our Summer Program for 2020:

. From June 9th- July 14th, 2020 We have a Book Club at 3:00 PM on Tuesdays
. June- July Weekly Art and Recreational Activities at 3:00 PM on Wednesday
. Upcoming Summer Camp 

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