The last few weeks of Youth in Action at the Mimico Library have been focused around getting the girls excited about the new school year. This included lots of stress-relieving active games as well as activities to get their creative minds ticking again after the long summer break.
Mikaela, Noami and Betty showing off their gymnastics skills.
Youth in Action @ Mimico would not be complete without a dance off every Tuesday!
Above and Below are our two favourite activities: badminton and balloon volleyball!
Below: One week, we had a competition on which group could build the tallest structure out of funny materials
Below: Another week we tried to build models and statues out of marshmallows and spaghetti. Who knew you could be so creative with such strange building materials!
Above: Eyerusalem, and her house model.
Below: Betty and Zahita go for a more abstract model.
And finally, some group shots we have collected over the past month. A big thanks to this group of amazing young women for coming out and making Youth in Action @ Mimico so fun!

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