Thursday, April 18, 2013

Boxing is a Great Form of Exercise!

"a boxer has to keep his/her arms up all the time" ~Elvis
On April the 18th, we went to CultureLink to learn more about and practice boxing.
I got to know Miranda from MJKO, who was there to teach us how to box properly. I also met other new people who practiced boxing with us.

MJ and Christina showing us the moves
Miranda, also known as MJ, tried to help us learn the position used to box properly, which is just not any position you want, but a rather specific one. She told us that in boxing, when we punch, we have to go back to the defence position because if we don´t, we may be hit by our opponent. So, a boxer has to keep his/her arms up all the time.
We boxed for a long period of time and took some short breaks to let our bodies rest. We burnt hundreds of calories by practicing this sport, which demonstrates it is a nice way to lose weight. It is also a good option for those who like sports and physical activities. We learned a lot.

We made friends, and learnt lots through boxing!
Thank you MJKO and ParticipAction!
Written by: Elvis Sanchez Almeida
Edited by: Young

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