Wednesday, February 10, 2016

Sankofa Youth Program

CultureLink's Youth Program provides a safe space for newcomer youth and youth from newcomer families to make friends and fun. We provide opportunities for participants to learn about physical, emotional, mental and social health and well-being.

The wide range of activities offered to youth on our Thursday weekly Sankofa Drop-In Program, include fun physical activities like ice-skating, craft making sessions like Foil-tastic and well-being workshops. The youth participants also get to come up with ideas to benefit the community, like when they initiated an event called Crafty Welcome on Feb 4, where the youth made sock monkeys and crafts to benefit CultureLink's Refugee Distribution Centre.

In partnership with Planned Parenthood Toronto, we will be offering Get SHARP, a Tuesday weekly program starting Feb 16. Focused on Self-esteem, Health Appreciation and Respect, this program will encourage youth to explore cultural identities and healthy relationship building.

In the summer, CultureLink Youth Program will also be partnering The Stop Community Food Centre to run Global Roots, an intergenerational project for youth and seniors to participate in The Stop's cultural community gardens. Targeted at newcomer youth, participants will get to learn about gardening, healthy food, food security issues and much more!

To stay updated, visit our event calendar, and follow us on Twitter.

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